5 Ways To Promote Your Mobile App For Free

App promotion is an essential part of any successful app launch. With more than 200 billion mobile apps downloaded in 2019, the competition might be fierce but there are several ways to stand out, without actually spending any money.

Promoting an app is accessible to all, even with limited resources, at least for those who are not afraid of hard work!

Make Sure Your App Is 100% Optimised For The App Stores

Most users download their apps from the stores (both the Apple store and Google play almost equally). In order for your app to be easily spotted by the users, it is important to optimise your app to the max. For example, you have to think hard about your app’s name and the description: use relevant keywords and catchy words and sentences while keeping your target users in mind.

Use Customers’ Reviews

Asking the users to leave a review on Google Play or the App Store is a great way to boost your app’s visibility. Positive reviews will help you win the users’ trust and motivate new users to download your app. It will also enhance your app’s position in search results by having a direct impact on the app stores’ algorithms. Do not hesitate to ask for your costumers’ reviews: it is not something that a lot of them think of doing.

Don’t Forget To Make A Landing Page

Creating a landing page is a step that a lot of app makers tend to overlook. However, it is a great way to better communicate why users should download your app and to answer any questions they might have, especially if you already have clear target users in mind (you can make personas before launching your app to better understand your target users.). You can also include reviews from users on your landing page.

Boost Your App’s Visibility By Creating Content

Create contents that are related to your mobile app to push its visibility. It can be any type of content, like a blog, a podcast, a video, and so on. You can also create social media accounts for your app to gather even more users.

You can even join groups on social media to share your contents, as long as they are not promotional: stick to educational contents. By bringing more traffic and attention to your various contents, your app will be more visible and credible, which will increase your downloads.

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Make Collabs With Influencers

If teaming up with big influencers will probably cost you a fortune, you can also decide to make a collaboration with smaller influencers, micro-influencers, or just people with a decent amount of followers that match your target users and that could be interested in your app.

Present them your app, show them how they could use it, and how it could catch their followers’ interest. Ask them to leave a review of your app on your landing page and the app store if they like it.

There are a lot of other techniques that you can use to boost your app’s visibility, like releasing a demo video, build a partnership with other apps, or attending online meetups and events. No need to spend money when you’re clever!

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