All Rankings at One Place: France Meta Business Schools Ranking

EMLV ranks in the top three French post-baccalaureate business schools in the meta-ranking positioning the graduate schools of management in the country. The school is ranked 18th out of 37 French business schools in the ranking.

Each year EMLV compiles a “Table of Tables” to combine the results of the three mainstream league tables: the L’Etudiant guide, the Figaro‘s Business Schools League table and the Le Point‘s guide. 

In the 2021 table, EMLV ranks second among 14 “post-bac” business schools (5-years program). 

EMLV, 18th in the table of French Grandes Ecoles Master’s degree

EMLV is ranked 18th in the general ranking of business schools, with a total average of 18.3 points. There are ranking 37 post-preparatory and post-baccalaureate schools that deliver a Master’s degree. The schools enrol after the French bac or after a two-year baccalaureate degree.

The business school rankings differ from one media outlet to another. The standard criteria framework for positioning French business schools includes academic excellence, research, international, corporate relevance, professional integration, and entrepreneurship. Some media also consider specific features such as accreditations, selectivity and attractiveness of the school, added value for companies and students, faculty’s strength, international rankings.

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A proven reputation in providing top management education

Media such as Le Point have highlighted the strengths of the Leonardo da Vinci School of Management. Among the criteria retained by Le Point, the Léonard de Vinci School of Management stands out particularly in two areas: multicultural exposure and teaching staff.

“The EMLV, at La Défense, has strengthened its business incubator, DeVinci Startup. It offers students the prospect of starting their companies” (Le Point, 2021 ranking of top business schools)

In the 2021 ranking of post-baccalaureate schools published by Le Figaro, the EMLV has moved up two places compared to the 2020 list.

In the 2021 L’Étudiant’s guide, the EMLV takes first place among the post-baccalaureate schools for its closeness to companies.

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