Coronavirus Information for International Degree-Seeking Students at EMLV

The Coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic is currently spreading all around the world. In this particular context, at EMLV all programmes are continuing online. EMLV Admissions office is working closely with all the international degree-seeking students who are interested in completing their education at EMLV. 

Since Monday, March 16th 2020, the President of the French Republic announced measures to reduce contact and travel to a minimum throughout France. All Higher Education institutions in France are closed until further notice.

At EMLV, all programmes are continuing and classes are conducted online until further notice due to this exceptional situation. 

During this lockdown period, EMLV’s international admissions staff is working side-by-side with French authorities to facilitate the application process. 

” With this worldwide crisis, we understand that you may be facing challenges to submit or complete the application process. I would like to assure you that all our staff remain committed to supporting you on your admission path to success, ensuring you get the right information on time.” (Camille TRZASKA, director of International Business Development)

According to campusfrance.org, exceptional measures have been put in practice for all international students enrolled in French higher education institutions.

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 Visas and residency permits

  • Residency permits (Titres de séjour) will be extended by 3 months. This extension is automatic
  • It has also been decided to suspend the issuance of visas until further notice 

To find information on studies in French higher education institutions and student services, please consult this Q&A on etudiant.gouv.fr.

For details of how to apply to EMLV Master in Management, MBA, MSc International Business, MSc Digital Business Analytics, MSC International Finance see our updated website.

International.leonard-de-vinci.net is the international portal of information regarding the admission process to all EMLV programmes.

In this particular context, we would like to invite you to contact directly our admission team, they remain available to guide per email at international.admission@devinci.fr  or WhatsApp at +33 7 86 16 74 66. 

Categories: International
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