
Company Projects

EMLV / Corporate relations / Company Projects

There is a strong emphasis on practical application at Devinci Higher Education. We believe that students can better assimilate knowledge if they apply it to real life examples at the same time. That’s why we make our students work on practical-based business projects.

The aim is to provide students with a semiprofessional work experience where they are faced with real life business problems. This experience involves a junior consulting assignment under the guidance of a professor at EMLV and a business supervisor.

Interdisciplinary projects

EMLV (Ecole de Management Léonard de Vinci) belongs to a group of schools: Devinci Higher Education. In addition to the business school (EMLV), there is an engineering school (ESILV) and an internet/design school (IIM).

The main pedagogical objective for these interdisciplinary projects is to get students to work together, and generate great business/product ideas. We created small teams of 5 students on average (for most teams, there were 2 engineers, 2 business students, and 1 internet/design student). This is a situation most of them will experience in their corporate life.

“Transversal” has become a popular word in higher education in France. But few schools have done it, and the other attempts have been quite different; they are longer programs (one or two years), but with a quite limited number of students, which mix only two populations (engineers and business students for instance), not three.

Junior Consulting Project (“PCJ” in French) in 5th Year:

The Junior Consulting Project is a completed in teams of 4 – 5 students in 5th year; the objective is to solve a real life business problem in one of the varied domains of management, marketing and administration.

A group of students work as a team of ‘junior consultants’ and are supervised by professors at the EMLV. Students take the lead in every stage of the consulting assignment by analyzing data, evaluating problems and making recommendations to help improve the company’s performance.

Do you have a project for our students ?

Download our fact sheet and registration form for business projects at the EMLV : PCJ – Junior Consulting Projects

Your business liaison contacts

For any further information, please contact the business relations department :

Business Relations Department

Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci
3rd floor of the “Cube” building
+33 1 41 16 71 14


Corporate relations

Corporate relations contacts

Wilfried Hollet

Work-Study Program Coordination Manager

+33 1 81 00 29 15

Edouard Champion

Corporate Partnership Manager

+33 1 81 00 27 52
Linkedin Edouard Champion e-mail

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