Daniela, student from Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, in international exchange program in Paris


Daniela is mexican, from Cuernavaca. She studies communication at Tec ded Monterrey, campus Cuernavaca. She is in international exchange in EMLV.

My name is Daniela, I’m Mexican. I come from Cuernavaca and I study communication at Tec de Monterrey, campus Cuernavaca. I’ve chosen an international exchange program because I’ve been studying French for a long time now and I thought he would be great to really learn it and what better than coming here to Paris. I chose France because as I told you I’ve been studying French and I really love the language.

I chose Paris because on my career we don’t have that many exchanges in Paris. I don’t really study a management I study communication and media so the IIM here it’s where I wanna be that’s where I will be next semester so that’s why I chose Paris. I came to EMLV cause I can get into IIM next semester.

So then I had to choose another one for this semester and that’s why I chose EMLV and also because I’ve learned things that I will need eventually so it’s… I’ve learned a lot. What most surprise me in France…  okay, in my country in Mexico transportation is terrible. So here, I’m very comfortable with being able to transport myself to everywhere and it’s really easy so yeah I really like that.

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My favorite spot in Paris… I don’t think I have just one ! Cause everywhere I turn I just find new things and I really like it. I’m really liking it cause there’s new stuff to see everyday, everywhere so I’m… yeah, I can’t get enough.

My favorite part in EMLV is… I found a lot of cool people. I’ve met a lot of cool people, I’ve met a lot of great teachers. I’m learning a lot of financing that I like but not really. So… but it’s thing I need to know also, yes.

When I first got here it was pretty funny cause I play football, soccer, and then my team calls me “fingers”. So then when I first came here, I saw the thumb and then I was laughing really hard and I show it to all my friends cause I was… yeah, this is my place, I needed to be here ! There is my  sculpture right here !

I live in “Pont de Neuilly”, 2 metro stops from here, really close, really great place, really safe, really beautiful.

My advice for Mexican students… I was pretty scared when I first got here cause I was completely alone but don’t be scared. Don’t be scared, just go for it, just come here. You’re gonna learn a lot. You’re gonna meet amazing people and you’re gonna, the most important thing, you’re gonna learn a lot about yourself. So just do it. Just go for it, come !

This post was last modified on 16/07/2021 15:56

Categories: International
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