EMLV ranks in the top three French post-baccalaureate business schools in the meta-ranking positioning the graduate schools of management in the country. The school is ranked 18th out of 37 French business schools in the ranking. Each year EMLV compiles a “Table of Tables” to combine the results of the three mainstream league tables: the […]
EMLV Business School has partnered with 3 European universities and 2 EdTech companies to design the modern 21st-century curricula. Devinci Higher Education is the leading organization of this strategic partnership awarded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + charter. The Erasmus + program “EdTech and AI for essential Skills of the 21st century” (TASK […]
In Le Point’s 2021 ranking of the grandes écoles de commerce, EMLV comes second-place among post-bac business school offering a master’s degree after five years of study. Our report is based on the average of the four different classifications that make up the ranking. The EMLV Grande Ecole programme – a Master’s degree accredited by the French […]
The EMLV continues to retain its fourth place among the best 5-year French business schools and jumps two places in the overall Business Master’s ranking 2021. The EMLV ranks fourth out of 14 post-baccalaureate business schools and moves up two places in the top French business schools’ overall ranking, from 22nd to 20th place, into […]
The EMLV Business School has become a bronze member of the Business Graduates Association (BGA), an international membership and quality assurance body of world-leading and high-potential business schools. As a sister brand to the Association of MBAs (AMBA), BGA accredits business schools based on their impact on students, employers and communities, in terms of responsible management and […]
The EMLV ranks third-best postbac business school in the latest L’Etudiant league table, which puts Leonard de Vinci Business School in France’s top twenty of management schools. The L’Etudiant ranking is a comparison of France’s top “Grandes Ecoles” specializing in Master programs in Business. The league table ranks 37 institutions which offer three-years and five-years courses. EMLV […]
The EMLV Business School continues to develop its academic faculty by recruiting four new research professors. This policy of growing the faculty team is part of EMLV’s strategy to offer its students a multicultural, highly qualified learning experience. The EMLV has recruited four new research professors at the start of this new academic year to strengthen […]
The EMLV was the subject of an in-depth study as part of the Business School Impact System EFMD-FNEGE Barometer. This index, developed by the National Foundation for the Teaching of Business Management and the European Foundation for Management Development, tracks a significative positive impact of the Pole Leonard de Vinci on the department of Hauts-de-Seine […]
216 teams of management, engineering and digital students, 216 endangered animal and plant species, one brief and just fours days to design a digital communication project to promote a species from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. These were the ingredients for the Cross-Curricular Week 2019 challenge held […]
EMLV – the Leonard de Vinci Business School Paris-La Defense – goes beyond its borders and familiarizes its students with the Anglo-Saxon pedagogical approaches and the practices of European Silicon Valley, Dublin. After having partnered with 80 universities around the world, EMLV makes the Irish capital home. The opening of the new international branch in […]
After recently obtaining its first international accredition EFMD Master for the Masters in Management Grande Ecole Programme, EMLV business school received the RNCP title for its MBA programme.
After obtaining all the national labels, from Master’s degree, CGE, to EESPIG, and Visa; EFMD Master Accreditation is the first international step achieved by EMLV business school that has been thoroughly engaged in a professional process with the aim of developing its international recognition.