VivaTech 2019 and EMLV are academic partners for the second year running. They celebrated today’s technologies that are transforming businesses and this year, the students successfully identified the latest 10 payment services to keep an eye on.
Carolane de Palmas arrived at EMLV 10 years ago, with this aim of becoming a Product Manager. But by the end (Year 4 and 5), she chose to specialize in Corporate Finance AND fINANCIAL mARKETS. Today, she juggles with numbers in the world of trading. The young woman created her own company in Andorra (Gaura […]
Viva Technology is a fair dedicated to technological innovation. Created in 2016, it has become a major event for the global tech ecosystem. Management school EMLV is an academic partner of the 2018 edition that will take place in Paris from May 24th to 26th. Three days to get inspired by the actors of digital […]
EY and the Urban Land Institute (ULI) have recently published the first barometer of attractivity for worldwide business districts. Paris La Défense ranks number four in the general ranking and number two in Europe, closely following the City of London. EY and ULI audited 17 business districts throughout the world. Placing first, the City of […]
COBBER is an online sports community that enables you to find players in your neighborhood and plan activities with other members. The site was launched in May 2014 via the incubator at Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, START-UP PEPITE PON. An interview with Julie LAU, Marie-Aude RENAULT, Céline BEN HADDOU and Yuna HAIKEL, students […]
– Présentez-vous en quelques lignes : quel BAC? Pourquoi l’EMLV? quelle promo? Bac S, promo 2000-2004 avec un double diplôme EMLV et Politecnico di Torino, puis un diplôme à SKEMA Business School en E-commerce. – que faites-vous actuellement? Je suis le fondateur et le dirigeant de la startup Tabhotel qui gère la plateforme innovante TodayinParis. […]
L’EMLV est partenaire de l’Université Paris Dauphine sur le projet PEEGO : Pôle Entrepreneuriat Etudiant Grand Ouest. Ce projet est initié par le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et le ministère de l’Economie. Dans le prolongement du programme avec l’Université Paris Dauphine, l’EMLV élargit son partenariat avec l’établissement afin de développer l’esprit d’entreprise auprès des étudiants […]