Saying goodbye to your hometown and getting ready for your flight: studying abroad here you come! It is without a doubt the journey of a lifetime, but it can fly by so fast without realizing what you’ve missed. Following these 5 tips will help any international student make the most of their studying abroad experience! […]
So many young students give up their dream of studying abroad because they believe so many misconceptions out there about traveling that they end up hesitating even more. It’s time to set the records straight. Is there any actual truth to the common misconceptions that are shared about an international experience and studying abroad? Studying […]
Welcome, classes of 2020 ! On the first of October, about one hundred students started their first semester at EMLV Business School. Our international programmes gathered an incredible diverse student population with different needs : knowledge, exposure, experience, networks, business development skills. They grabbed a coffee and started their engines. Indian, Nepalese, Taiwanase, Brazilian, Norwegian […]
Studying abroad is a thought that crosses the mind of young people everyday. Spending time immersed in another culture is the best way to step outside of the “comfort zone” and develop new strengths and understandings.
Not only does international business support the development, strategy and management of organisations at a global level, but also shapes the competencies of future leaders and managers. The MSc International Business programme at EMLV business school will arm international students with the skills needed to think and work across borders, and Ivan from Argentina is […]
Sitting in the airport, waiting for the airplane boarding call, holding on to the passport, and carefully watching the suitcases. A new journey is about to begin. What could one year abroad change in the life of international students and can they ever be ready for what’s coming next?
Studying abroad is such a roller coaster experience, especially for international students who are usually a source of fascination among locals, classmates, and teachers. People are instantly drawn to them and want to know everything about them, even if it gets awkward.
Social media has undoubtedly changed the way people see the world and make, not only daily easy decisions, but also life-changing ones like exploring higher education opportunities. Business schools are now able to share information not only with their inner network but also with potential candidates through their social media channels.
For years now, retailers have been focusing a lot on Millenials and their purchasing behaviors. Since they make the majority of the workforce, their income is directly linked to their spendings. But, the generation that came next, known as Gen Z, is creating a challenge for retailers who noticed the shift.
MBA programs can be summed up in two words; preparation and commitment. Whether the potential candidates are fresh undergrads or have been in the workforce for many years, the decision needs a considerable amount of thought.
Teachers and professors are known for setting the standards of higher education pedagogy in business schools; however, equally motivated individuals are here to steal the spotlight. We’re talking about international students and how they are putting forward their ideas towards a richer and more dynamic academic exchange. In fact, this article will reveal how international […]
Siva Prasath is currently pursuing an MSc International Business at EMLV. He decided to study abroad in France for many reasons: “French art de vivre”, “Paris, city of light”, etc. Why at EMLV? He does not mince its words! “Because of its academic reputation and its location in Paris-La Defense”. Siva Prasath Sivakumar comes from the city […]