
Actualités " Programmes"

EMLV / Archive by category "Programmes" (Page 9)

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting a Business
30 Jan 2020 /
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When starting a business, both successes and failures make an unforgettable learning lesson for entrepreneurs. Some are bound to happen, but this doesn’t mean that others can’t be avoided.

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How International Finance Really Works: Going Beyond Borders
23 Jan 2020 /
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The year 2020 has arrived, and with it, the beginning of a new decade and a new MSc in International Finance at EMLV Business School. International finance represents all financial transactions that take place, crossing national borders, which makes it even the more fascinating to explore because it goes beyond physical borders in order to […]

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How to Lead the Digital Age: The Top in-Demand Skills for Future Managers
16 Jan 2020 /
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The integration of next-generation technologies such as AI, robotics, cloud computing, big data, and many others has caused leaders and particularly managers to rethink their strategies by prioritizing building digital fluency as a critical capability to properly lead in this digital age.

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Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2020
02 Jan 2020 /
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2019 has definitely witnessed some of the best digital marketing campaigns out there. This means that the bar has been set on a high level for the upcoming year. 2020, what have you in stored for us?

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A Year in Review: Looking Back at the Best Digital Marketing Campaigns of 2019
05 Dec 2019 /
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Many brands in finance, gaming, F&B, and retail were at the top of their game this past year when it comes to digital marketing efforts. So what were the mechanics that drove these successful campaigns?

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MSc International Finance, a One-Year Program in English for International Students
26 Nov 2019 /
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In the wake of the arrival of several London-based financial firms in Paris, the launch of MSc International Finance at EMLV is an additional opportunity for job-seeking students and graduates in financial services. The new international program delivers a thorough understanding of corporate strategy and financial markets and an insight into Financial valuation, Mergers & […]

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MBA vs. Master’s degree: What’s the Real Difference?
21 Nov 2019 /
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Pursuing higher education is an investment for the future and increases the chances of earning a senior job position. Going for a Master’s degree or an MBA is well worth it. What’s the difference between an MBA and a master? The answer ultimately comes down to where students position themselves now and where they see […]

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5 Challenges Millennial Entrepreneurs Are Facing
31 Oct 2019 /
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Aside from the usual stress factors of running a business, young entrepreneurs, especially millennials, are being subject to certain stereotypes that are making their job even more difficult and creating insecurities that will not allow them to properly position themselves in the market. Millennial entrepreneurs are known for their innovative ideas, creativity, and will-power. But […]

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How can Digital Businesses harness the Power of Data to improve customer engagement?
29 Oct 2019 /
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In today’s digital landscape, the benefits of a well-planned digital strategy cannot be ignored. However, in some cases, understanding digital markets from the customer point of view is not enough! A pertinent categorization of products unveils insights from data different from those discovered under the consumer view paradigm. The MSc Digital Business Analytics provides an […]

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What is a Grande Ecole exactly?
22 Oct 2019 /
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Grandes Ecoles (French: “great schools”) is not only the name of a Parisian hotel located in the historical intellectual Latin Quarter, but it’s also a real institution of higher education in France, known for its highly selective admissions, its prestigious and rewarding degrees and academic excellence. In addition to these criteria, there is a true […]

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How to Leverage the Academic Experience in an Internship Interview
10 Oct 2019 /
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Students preparing for an internship interview tend to worry due to the lack of work experience they haven’t acquired yet. However, it’s only one part that they can easily overcome by highlighting specific achievements and skills they improved or gained during their academic journey.

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Smarketing: What Is It, and Why Every Business Needs It
01 Oct 2019 /
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Smarketing is a core part of the Inbound Marketing methodology. Usually implemented in the ‘Closing‘ phase, the marketing team transfers qualified sales opportunities to the sales team, who then closes the sale.

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