For most careers, managers are the first front-liners you encounter that will either make you love or hate your job. There’s a multitude of management styles that work differently depending on the business, teams, and managers themselves. It’s important to know about the various ways to direct and support team members and resolve conflicts.
Over the last years, COVID-19 has challenged the way businesses are run and brought new perspectives on the power balance among the world’s nations. From education, health, economy, environment, sustainability to management, everything has been disrupted by the pandemic – and that it requires new global leaders. To help higher education train a new leadership, EMLV […]
Platform economy and technology fostered new ways of doing business and companies have to modify their attitudes and behaviors to cope with new realities. Managers and entrepreneurs are at the center of this ongoing business disruption. Why have Facebook, Amazon, and Tesla achieved tremendous success? Why did some companies survive and thrive for 100+ years, […]
“You’re not going to believe what my manager did yesterday …” We’ve all been on both sides of workplace stories that started like this. While humor makes for a decent coping mechanism, bad management should be taken a lot more seriously.
Reading a great book is an escape from the world, but even better, it’s a smart investment into your future. Being open to new concepts is a great way to demonstrate to your team how you are willing to lead them.
To live and integrate in France, a good level of French is one of the musts for international students wishing to study abroad in France and experience life in “l’Hexagone”. And what better way to lead with French than doing a Master, an MSc or an MBA degree in ¨Paris, the city of lights? Studying […]
Whether you’re building new skills or bigger biceps, the milestones you reach along the way have an interesting way of changing your perspective. If you’re starting in the corporate world, planning on staying in your current career, or diving into a new industry, you need specific employment skills that will give you the right boost.
Businesses worldwide have finally embraced the need for solid digital leaders, and hiring an executive position for such a relatively new role goes beyond picking candidates with digital fluency. Instead, it’s about seeing them from the other side of the screen: are they willing to take risks? And do they have the international perspective to […]
It was easy to assume that the ongoing coronavirus crisis would trigger fear in the business world, given all the uncertainties surrounding it. But with constraint comes the opportunity for a big reset. A reset in priorities, objectives, and roles requiring a set of particular skills.
Studying abroad in Paris comes with its set of challenges. When choosing to study abroad in France, there are many factors to consider, such as getting a French student visa, finding suitable accommodation, attending orientation sessions, familiarising yourself with the campus, arranging transportation, healthcare and entertainment, etc. Devinci Higher Education Welcome Desk can help guide […]
EMLV offers a wide range of Master’s specialisations, either as initial training or as part of a work-study course. Finance, marketing, digital, sales, HR, information systems: what qualities are you supposed to have to get into a Master’s degree in business school? EMLV faculty members answer these questions! Choosing to do a Master‘s degree in […]
Students and alumni reviews are keys when choosing a business school.What do students think about the EMLV Business School? Do alumni recommend its programmes to others? Why selecting the Pole Leonard de Vinci for your business degree? France is a prolific country to pursue higher education because of its cultural and culinary heritage, but it […]
École de Management
Léonard de Vinci
Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci
92 916 Paris La Défense Cedex
Tél. : +33 1 81 00 28 48
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