EMLV teacher researcher Ranjan Chaudhuri was selected for the Basant Kumar Birla Distinguished Research Scholar Award 2022. He won the Second Prize for outstanding contribution to Management Sciences amongst all public Institutions in India. This award is the highest recognition as a researcher and teacher in Management Sciences in that country.
Out of a tough competition with thousands of applications, the selection committee could select only a few candidates to be placed before the jury. Ranjan emerged as the winner of the second Prize in the government sector.
Ranjan’s work primarily focuses on organizational markets, focusing on industrial buying behaviour, purchasing performance, artificial intelligence integrated customer relationship management, retail supply chain management, neuromarketing and consumer neurosciences, customer incivility in the services sector, and product management.
He has also worked in marketing technology and areas encompassing marketing, operations, and supply chain management.
The Basant Kumar Birla Distinguished Research Scholar Award
The Award was distributed on 2 October 2023, BIMTECH Foundation Day, which coincides with the 154th birthday of the Father of India, Mahatma Gandhi.
Basant Kumar Birla Distinguished Research Scholar Award for Social Science and Management disciplines was instituted in 2019 by the Birla Academy of Arts and Culture, Kolkata, in honour of the Late Basant Kumar Birla, who built businesses and institutions enriching many lives across five continents.
The award process was managed by the Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida in India, an AACSB-accredited top Business School in this country.

At the Basant Kumar Birla Distinguished Research Scholar Award event
A high-recognition award in India
The Basant Kumar Birla Distinguished Research Scholar Awards are a tribute to the researchers who have contributed to the progress of society and humanity through their dedication to research. Serving as a source of inspiration, the award helps raise the standards of individual awardees and organizations.
The awards are given every year to scholars working in government and funded Institutions in India and private Universities and Institutions during the past five years in the areas of social science and management, including:
- Industry 4.0
- Sustainability
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ethical Practices
- Entrepreneurship
- Family Business
These awards considered the highest teaching and research honour, are given to outstanding academicians, professors, and research scholars in India, as judged by their research outputs in the form of papers in research journals during the past five calendar years.
To participate in this award, Ranjan Chaudhuri applied with his past five years of research papers, which are published in high-quality journals listed/indexed in Web of Science, SCOPUS, and ABS exclusively at ABS3 level and above.
The eligibility process for academic recognition in India involves a rigorous two-stage screening conducted by a dedicated awards committee.
The focus of this process was to identify outstanding contributors in management and social sciences, particularly within areas such as Industry 4.0, Sustainability, CSR, Ethical Practices, Entrepreneurship, and Family Business.
EMLV encourages and supports teacher-researchers
The academic fraternity at Business Schools across India holds this award in the highest esteem.
EMLV actively encouraged Ranjan to receive the award in person on 2 October 2023 in New Delhi, India and was further supported by travel funding provided through the provisions of their research grant.
This award will inspire and motivate me to work better for a brighter future during my tenure at EMLV. This will help me to secure my position in the research community and focus on quality in teaching and research with my association at EMLV in the Department of Digital Marketing Business, – Ranjan Chaudhuri
As a new member of the research team at EMLV, Ranjan will continue to be passionate, positive, and persevere.
This is what I have learned through my research journey as a student and teacher in business administration. A research journey is full of excitement, surprises, challenges, and uncertainties. In research, for the sake of repetition, we must be prepared to welcome rejections with a broad smile. Failures are inevitable and we must be patient, – Ranjan Chaudhuri
Ranjan aspires to this award and looks forward to his new collaboration with EMLV.