Empowering International Students: I Pitch & Meet Event Connects Talent with Opportunity

The I Pitch & Meet bred the gap between international students and esteemed French companies. This gathering served as a platform for students to showcase their potential, engage in meaningful discourse with recruiters, and pave the way for promising career trajectories.

The essence of the event lay in its practicality. International students, primarily enrolled in MSc and MBA programmes, most of which at EMLV and some ESILV, eagerly prepared to present their profiles, career aspirations, and professional projects before a discerning audience comprising industry professionals and representatives of the Cluster. 

A tangible opportunity for students to refine their branding

This was not merely a theoretical exercise but a tangible opportunity for students to refine their branding and gain invaluable exposure to the dynamics of real-world recruitment. They were organized by the Corporate Relations Department for Soft Skills at EMLV & ESILV. The event aimed to achieve multifaceted objectives.

Beyond merely facilitating introductions, it sought to equip students with the tools necessary for success in a competitive job market. For this edition, participating companies, Tata Consultancy Services, Avanade, Lamarck Group, Findit Consulting, Allianz, Nestlé, Jika Conseil, Technip Energie, Horizon Software, BNP Paribas, Tanium and PwC; the event offered a strategic avenue to bolster their employer brand and identify prospective talent for work placements.

In this context, the pivotal role played by EMLV in supporting its students becomes apparent. With a dedicated focus on fostering academic and professional excellence, EMLV ensures that its international students receive comprehensive guidance and support throughout their academic journey.

Through this initiative, access to cutting-edge resources, and a conducive learning environment, EMLV empowers students to hone their skills, articulate their career ambitions, and confidently showcase their professional projects. This commitment to student success underscores EMLV’s holistic approach to education, which extends beyond the classroom to encompass real-world opportunities for growth and achievement.

As these students eagerly prepare to present themselves before industry professionals and Cluster representatives, they do so with the assurance that they have been well-equipped and supported by the EMLV community at every step.

A platform for honing essential skills in communication, presentation, and self-promotion

The significance of I Pitch & Meet resonated deeply with the student cohort. It represented an opportunity to garner attention from industry leaders and a platform for honing essential skills in communication, presentation, and self-promotion.

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As an EMLV student said, “It’s a great experience to land the job that we aspire to have in the future while learning more about these esteemed companies.”

Feedback from both students and recruiters underscored the event’s efficacy in nurturing talent and fostering meaningful connections. Students valued the opportunity to receive constructive criticism and insights from professionals, recognizing its instrumental role in their personal and professional development.

Meanwhile, recruiters appreciated the chance to engage with a diverse pool of international students, recognizing the event’s potential to enrich their talent pipelines and foster a culture of innovation and diversity within their organizations.

An event under the spirit of collaboration and global exchange

With 105 students representing over 15 nationalities and a panel of 35 discerning judges, the event encapsulated the spirit of cooperation and global exchange. Each interaction, pitch, and feedback contributed to a collective journey towards excellence and opportunity.

In the words of one student, “I Pitch & Meet has been a transformative experience. It has provided me with practical insights into the job search process and enabled me to expand my professional network and chart a course towards my career goals.”

As the curtains drew to a close on yet another edition of I Pitch & Meet, the repercussions of newfound connections and shared aspirations continued to echo, serving as a testament to the enduring impact of meaningful engagement and collaboration in higher education and professional development.

Learn more about EMLV’s programmes

This post was last modified on 27/02/2024 17:19

Categories: About
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