Everything Any Digital Marketer Needs To Know About WISMO

WISMO is an acronym used in digital marketing, that stands for ‘Where Is My Order’. It defines any sort of question the client might have regarding their order. A retailer needs to acknowledge and reduce WISMO to guarantee the best user experience possible.

Where is my order: a question asked by about 93% of buyers.

WISMO: The Most Frequently Received Query For Retailers

Representing up to 80% of the customers’ queries, WISMO can easily turn customers service agents’ job into a nightmare. WISMOs can be received in a large variety of places, from emails to social media or chatbots. Because of those queries being scattered everywhere, it can become extremely stressful for customer service agents to deal with it, especially during peak periods. 

Retailers must therefore focus on reducing WISMOs at all costs to promise a better customer experience and build a trusting relationship with the clients.

Services such as Amazon Same-Day Delivery or Amazon Prime have set the bar very high for customers who tend not to buy anything that will take more than 3 days to arrive. It is thus important for retailers to keep the buyers updated about their orders, especially if the order will take more than 3 days to be delivered if they don’t want to lose any client. It is indeed estimated that it is 7 times more expansive to get a new client than to keep one.

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How To Improve The Clients’ Satisfaction And Reduce WISMO?

Deliveries can be the decisive point of the relationship between the retailer and the client. If the product is sent to a wrong address, or if it is damaged, the clients will understandably complain and WISMOs will increase. Sellers must focus not only on the delivery itself but also on other details regarding the address or the state of the product when it arrives. A Trach and Trace software can allow the retailer to manage its customer service better and improve the clients’ experience.

To actively reduce WISMOs, several tips can help: communicate with the clients post-purchase to anticipate their potential issues and send regular updates, communicate all of the details regarding the shipping and the delays while checking out to avoid the client any kind of unpleasant surprise, keep shipping status up-to-date, measure satisfaction with net Promoter Scores or any kind of review platform, and set up a FAQ page.

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