Filippo, class of 2024: From Italy to Paris studying a Master in Management

Embarking on a journey of higher education is not just about earning a degree; it’s an opportunity to explore new horizons, cultures, and experiences.

Filippo Milani, a 23-year-old Italian student pursuing a Master’s in Management specialising in Marketing and Communication at EMLV, shares his story of international studies, sports, and personal growth, exemplifying the transformative power of international education. 

A Multifaceted Background Starting in Milan

Filippo, originally from a small city near Milan, Italy, is a passionate sports enthusiast, mainly devoted to football as a proud Inter Milan fan.

After completing high school in the scientific field in Italy, Filippo pursued a Bachelor’s in Economics and Business Management at the University Cattolica of Milan.

Seeking broader horizons, he ventured into a Master’s in International Management at the University of Trento, marking the beginning of his international journey.

A Global Pursuit of Knowledge

Driven by a desire for international exposure, Filippo sought a Master’s program that offered more than just academic learning. He found his way to EMLV, attracted by its emphasis on international experiences and its strategic location in major European cities. 

His academic journey has taken him from Canada to Paris, providing a unique blend of cultural immersion and educational diversity.

Reflecting on his time at EMLV, Filippo highlights the distinctive teaching methods and the contrasting study environments compared to his experiences in Italy and Canada. 

Despite the challenges of adapting to a new language and lifestyle, he expresses no regrets about choosing Paris as his study destination, emphasising the importance of adaptability in a global context.

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EMLV’s Role in Career Development

Filippo recognises the pivotal role EMLV plays in shaping his future career. The program allows him to delve into his passion for marketing and communication and provides practical insights and a deeper understanding of the subject. 

He emphasises the significance of the international exposure gained in Paris, believing it will enhance his CV, showcasing adaptability and a diverse skill set.

Charting the Course for the Future

After completing his Master’s, he aspires to start his working period through an internship abroad; he envisions a future working for a multinational company outside Italy. 

Focused on business development or marketing roles, he recognises the advantage of his language proficiency in the global job market, especially in English.

Why should you come to study in France?

For students considering international studies, Filippo encourages them to leap.

He stresses the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, embracing challenges, and gaining a broader perspective on education. 

While acknowledging the initial difficulties of being away from familiar surroundings, he believes the experience is invaluable for personal and professional growth.

Learn more about EMLV’s Master in Management 

Categories: International
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