France’s Most Attractive Employers According to Business School Students

Each year, Universum research institute, publishes a list of the most attractive employers in the opinion of French business school students. Conducted on a sample of over 20 000 students, this ranking gives insight on the attractivity of a hundred companies.

Where do French business school students dream of being hired in 2018?

Once again, luxury brands and tech giants rank highest in the Top 100. LVMH ranks number one, as it has for the last thirteen years, followed by L’Oréal and Google. Runners up are Chanel and Apple. Amazon has gone up 13 places in the course of a year, ranking number 7.

The Swedish Institute, a specialist of employer branding, asked business school students to select a “Top 5 employer” out of 130 companies. Students taking the survey also could give company names that were not featured in the list. This explains why new companies make their entry in the Top 100 every year.

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Universum administered the survey between October 2017 and February 2018. France business school students were asked about their three top business sectors. They also answered questions about their career objectives, their salary expectations, or work environment, among other criteria. The will to “work for a cause and giving a meaning to one’s work” is the second priority stated by business school students, a characteristic of Y and Z generations.

Goldman Sachs is the only bank to appear in the top 10, gaining 3 places in one year. The bank sector has shown a sharp rise, brought by the business school students renewed interest. HSBC has gone up 8 places, JP Morgan 7 and French bank BNP Paris 5, ranking number 20.

The agri-food sector has dropped drastically in the ranking list. All 25 companies belonging to this industry have lost places. Nestlé, ranking 15th, has lost 8 places, whereas Coca-Cola now only ranks number 28, losing 11 places.

The most attractive employers in the opinion of French business school students – 2018 edition

2L'Oréal Group
6Air France
8Goldman Sachs
9Disneyland Paris

Categories: Insertion
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