How Companies Can Adapt their Digital Marketing Strategy to the Current Pandemic

The majority of businesses out there have been impacted on many levels after taking the hits of COVID-19. Their mode of adaptation? Creating a deeper connection through their digital marketing strategy.

Digital marketing strategy has been playing different roles, and with the current pandemic that is changing the world, rescuing businesses who have been in the market for a while, or even entrepreneurs who were considering starting a business but are now facing their biggest challenge yet. How are companies adapting? And how did digital marketing come to their rescue?

Connecting With Your Customers Through a Reciprocal Digital Marketing Strategy

That would be Social Media. During this phase, and with everyone dealing with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, everyone is locked in.

For many businesses, it was a chance to show empathy to others and reach out to serve their community in any chance possible.

Not only that but by using social media, audiences can relate more to brand messages and humanize it. This is not the right time to be sales-oriented or too pushy rather a perfectly-timed opportunity to shine during a difficult time.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

“Competitors may be stopping their campaigns because of their fear of what is ahead or their current situation,” said Thrive SEO manager Cesar Zambrano. “This is a great time to strengthen your campaign in order to improve your rankings and potentially outrank competitors.”

SEO helps brands increase organic traffic to their website and move past the competition, and that takes time and a very detailed strategic optimization strategy and tactics. By not optimizing and sharing daily content that is current, useful, and thoughtful, a business is risking losing valuable ground in the search results which can cost a big loss in both revenue and relevance.

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Not the Right Time to Panic

People everywhere were/are in panic mode, which is exactly why businesses with a strong, flexible, and fluid digital marketing strategy shouldn’t. That’s not how anyone should react if they’re serious about implementing smart digital marketing tactics at different phases. How? By taking into consideration the following points:

  • Using metrics and analyzing all of the data available for a smart and preventive decision-making process.
  • Taking caution when quickly reacting to a sudden shift in the economy or market or even a bad swing straightly directed to the business. In this particular point we talk about proper preparation by constantly studying the current issues impacting the markets globally as well as preparing for any hit with a proper online crisis management strategy. 

In fact, both these umbrella frames are offered as two courses in the curriculum of the MBA at EMLV business school

The programme is synchronized and up to date with the technological trends and market needs, along with the challenges they face, such as the current one with the COVID 19. The MBA includes courses in:

  • Online reputation and crisis management
  • IoT, which will greatly serve businesses as they shift towards a more remote mode of work for more safety
  • SEO,
  • Social Media marketing
  • Mobile marketing
  • Cross canal marketing

Find out more about the MBA at EMLV business school and its relevancy in our current globale situation.

This post was last modified on 26/03/2020 10:36

Categories: Programmes
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