How to launch a Startup in France ? A Virtual Conference on Entrepreneurship with Devinci Startup

Devinci Startup, the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s incubator for business ideas, held an online conference on “How to launch a startup in France”. This event focused on entrepreneurship has unpacked examples of how three local business creators successfully ventured into self-employment by starting their coaching companies.

Are you interested in entrepreneurship? Don’t know how to start? Are you launching your startup in France? Devinci Startup, the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s pre-incubator, helps students find the support they need and develop their startup projects.

The Devinci Startup’s virtual conference on entrepreneurship featured :

  • Franck Dupont, an alumnus of ESILV Engineering School, graduate of an Entrepreneurship Master program at EMLV Business School and CCO & Speaker Conquistardors.io, a business development training school
  • Diana Nyerges, head of business development at French Connections HCB, a company dedicated to helping the English speaking community
  • Eric Lucrezia, coach and creator at Candidate.Coach, coaching service specialized in recruitment, education, and career advising

Getting into an entrepreneurial mindset with three creators of business projects

Any form of entrepreneurship ultimately comes down with three questions: What is an entrepreneur? When it’s the best time to start your business? Are you ready to take the risk?

To answer this question, Franck Dupont talked about his beginning as an entrepreneur and his project to create an “Uber Eats-type” breakfast delivery.

“An entrepreneur is someone who loves to solve problems, who deeply loves what he does, and it’s like an obsession: he can’t just go to bed until he hasn’t solved the problem. An entrepreneur is a warrior”, Frank said.

Maylis, the conference’s host, a former student of ESILV Engineering School, added that her advice for launching a new business is to “come up with a real problem to solve” and do something you are passionate about.

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Diana Nyerges works under a micro-entrepreneur status in the relocation field, helping different nationalities worldwide settle in France, become entrepreneurs and build their microentrepreneurship or their company in France. Armed with a rich background in education, Diana said yes to the entrepreneurship, despite her hesitations.

“Slowly, but surely, you change your mindset and start finding opportunities. With the current situation we are living, some interesting positions are not necessarily available as a full-time worker, but can be reachable for you as a micro-entrepreneur”, she explained.

Originally from New York, and having lived in Barcelona, Spain and Sydney, Australia, Eric Lucrezia currently makes his home in Paris, France since 2010. Thanks to his education experience, he can now develop an awareness of how coaching can help people transform their lives.

Often, it’s about helping them with their CV, getting them into the right structure, who would respect that 5-seconds rule: if the recruiter can’t understand who you are in the first 5 seconds, it’s finished.

Sometimes, people want to make a change, but they can’t quite figure out, and that’s when I do something called “career diagnostic”. I mirror back what the people want, and then together we build a plan to take the next step to transformation themselves”, Eric said. He never regretted taking that leap of faith.

“At that point, I knew what my life I wanted to be like, and I didn’t want to accept the parameters defined by another company or another person, so that was a lot of the motivation of wanting to have more control”.

DeVinci startup is more than an accelerator. It provides students who deal with life questions about finding their passion with support to build their resilience, accelerate their personal growth, and make an impact.

Categories: International
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