How To Start On YouTube For A Digital Marketing Strategy?

Founded in 2005, YouTube is one of the oldest social media platforms. While it was primarily made for entertainment purposes, it has now become an essential part of any digital marketing strategy, with more than 2 billion active users.

Unlike what you may think, YouTube‘s target does not only concerns younger people, as Gen Zs prefer video platforms such as TikTok. However, Millenials and Baby Boomers are active YouTube users.

While videos about beauty, food, health or video game make the most views, any subject can work on YouTube with a good strategy.

Be Constant With Your Contents On YouTube

To make the difference on YouTube, it is crucial to post at least one video per week and to be constant both with the frequency and the time of the posts.

It is indeed important to post at the same time each week. You can even to put a schedule on your YouTube channel’s illustration in order for the audience to know when to expect your next content.

This schedule will help you keep producing new content regularly. As many professional YouTuber have noticed, the day of the post matter less than the fact to always keep the same frequency. Channels tend to lose followers when they start to post less regularly.

Make Your YouTube Videos In Advance

A good way to keep posting regularly is to realise your videos in advance. First, before you start your channel, try to have about 3 or 4 videos already ready to focus on other details and to be sure that you will have some content ready in case of unexpected difficulty.

When you start a YouTube channel, do not put to much pressure on yourself regarding the originality of your videos. Start with a simple concept, that will surely evolve in the future into something that matches you or your brand. It takes time to find your style.

Even after you feel more comfortable on YouTube, do not hesitate to take full days of filming whenever you have time, on the weekend, for example, to have as many videos ready as possible. Keeping your schedule and your frequency should always be your number one priority.

Buy Some Good Equipment For Your YouTube Videos

Surprisingly, having a good camera should not be on the top of your list when you start a YouTube channel. Indeed, most modern smartphones can be enough to shoot your first content. However, it is important to invest in good sound recording equipment. If your audience cannot hear you, chances are they won’t watch more than 30 seconds of your video.

Secondly, you have to invest in lighting. That will make your video appear more professional. No need to spend enormous amounts of money, you can find decent lightening for less than 100 euros.

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Finally, you will have to buy a good video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, that is still considered the best in its category.

Use YouTube’s Referencement System To Improve Your Visibility

Did you know that YouTube is the world’s second most important search engine? It is therefore crucial to optimise keywords in your videos’ titles and descriptions to help your target audience find your content.

Learn to use tags and do not be afraid to write a long description of your video with recurring keywords. Go search for videos that deal with the same subject as yours to see what keywords to use and how to phrase your title.

How Long Should Your YouTube Video Be?

Studies have shown that people can only stay 100% focus on a YouTube video for 3 to 4 minutes. After that, they will either change the video or not be so attentive…and most viewers won’t even past the 3 minutes mark!

To make your strategy social media on YouTube efficient, you have to communicate your message in the first few minutes of your video. Cut straight to the point, and try to think of an impactful way to start your video.

Do not forget that the more time your audience will spend on your video, the more your video will be noticed by the YouTube algorithm. That’s the reason why many YouTubers try to build suspense at the start of their video to make their viewers stick to the end.

If you monetise your video, you should try to make them at least 10 minutes long to be able to put more than one ad. However, be careful to not put too much of those: you don’t want to annoy your viewers!

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