Key Figures For E-commerce In 2020

Earlier in July, Fevad (Federation of E-Commerce and Distance Selling) published the key figures for E-commerce, 2020 edition. E-commerce now represents 9.8% of commerce but still less than 2% of food trade. On average, each e-buyer makes 3.5 orders per month and spends about 2 600 euros per year online.

With 98% of the buyers satisfied with this method of shopping, e-commerce is becoming more and more popular and normalised, especially after the Covid-19 crisis that completely changed the consumers’ habits.

E-commerce is still growing

Online sales of goods and services combined exceeded 100 billion in 2019, with an overall increase of 11.6%. 1.7 billion transactions online were made in 2019, which represents an increase of 15.7% from 2018.

E-commerce maintains an average growth of 13% in the last five years. The number of online buyers is still growing, and France now counts more than 40 million online buyers. Mobile commerce is also attracting more and more buyers.

89% of online buyers think that e-commerce is an advantage for consumers. E-buyers have various profiles: online shopping is a method used by men, women, young adults, teenagers, adults, and seniors alike, whether they live in big cities or in the countryside.

What are the E-buyers’ habits when it comes to e-commerce?

Like each year, despite the decrease in the average transaction amount compared to 2018, the number of e-buyers and the frequency of online sales are increasing. 98% of E-buyers are satisfied with their online purchases made in the last 12 months. On average, e-buyers make 3.5 online transactions per month and spend 2 577 euros per year. 48.5% of Internet users have bought something online during the last month.

In the last 12 months, half of the purchases made online were in the fashion/retail industry, followed by cultural goods (41%), games (38%), tourism (38%), shoes (36%), high Tech (35%), cosmetic/health (33%), clothing and household linen (26%) and home decoration (25%).

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Credit card is the preferred method payment by french buyers and delivery is 85% made at home. Click and Collect is becoming more and more popular especially in grocery stores. 37% of e-buyers have subscribed to at least one delivery system.

Electronic B2B sales are becoming more significant in Europe

E-commerce between companies has a turnover of more than 150 billion euros. It represents 130 billion euros for companies with more than 10 employees and more than 15 billion euros for those under 10 employees.

B2B sales are increasing at a pace of 15% per year in the last three years. They represent on average 4% of the total turnover of European companies, including 2% for companies with less than 250 employees.

Electronic Data Interchange and sales via e-commerce websites are representing in a total of 19% of the turnover made by companies with less than 10 employees. In France, the value of electronic B2B sales online is also increasing, going from 338 to 451 via EDI and from 85 to 130 via websites in four years.

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