Léa, class of 2017, is on her year abroad in China, on an exchange program with Nanjing Southeast University


Léo Godard, class of 2017 is currently spending her entire year abroad in a university in China as part of her third year at the EMLV.

After High School, I got my baccalaureate and decided I wanted to study business..

I found out about the EMLV during a student fair and the degree program really appealed to me; the diverse curriculum in the first two years allows time to for you to see where your interests lie, before pursuing a specific track in 4th year (marketing, finance or human resources) and choosing a major in 5th year.

Another important point was being able to spend the whole 3rd year abroad, on an exchange program and completing an internship which would be very rewarding on a personal and professional level. These days, experience abroad really helps you to stand out from the crowd. During my first two years, I developed a solid base in business and applied my knowledge during my internship at a big French hotel chain, as well as during my time as president of the cheerleading squad.

With Maena, Isabelle and Virginie

In my second year, I had to choose a country where I wanted to study during 3rd year. I hesitated between several countries: the US, Taiwan and China. Eventually, the idea of discovering a new culture, a new language and travel encouraged me to choose China.

I have been living in China for 3 months where I am currently studying at Nanjing Southeast University. Studying at university abroad and meeting students from all over the world is a very enriching experience; it allows you to share, exchange and learn about different cultures. Professors are also very interested by these exchanges and help us to find out about their ways of studying, thinking, working, eating…

An advantage in China is that there are a lot of opportunities to speak English because the classes are taught in English and it is the most common language spoken among international students. We do, however, also learn Chinese through language classes and by talking with Chinese students.

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With Virginie, in front of the Confucius temple in Nanjing

China is an incredible country, we have received a warm welcome and they really take a liking to Western people, especially in Nanjing. Chinese people are always willing to help and always try to get to know us despite the language barrier. The cost of living is quite low; a restaurant meal can cost €2, and taxi rides cost the same price. Chinese people are very generous so don’t be surprised if they offer you a free drink or meal!

The low cost of living allowed us to spend time travelling. We have already been to Shanghai several times and we also spent two weeks bag packing in the north of China during the Chinese holidays. We also visited all the great monuments and cities such as the capital: Beijing.

I definitely don’t regret coming to China: it has been a very enriching experience and can also be a big advantage on your CV.

This exchange has been the greatest experience of my life so far; it has allowed me to mature, to discover a country that I knew nothing about and meet people from all different backgrounds. I will never forget my 6 months here!

I recommend this exchange to everyone who has the chance!


Categories: International
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