Management & avenir – N°72 – Value systems of the Y generation in companies ?

What are the value systems shared and sought for by members of the Y generation in companies? To answer to this question there it is necessary to identify a scale capable of measuring individual values which can be transposed to a professional universe (Mc Donald and Gandz; 1991, 1992). 2915 young people aged from 18 to 25 years old have answered a survey transmitted by the A.N.D.R.H. to professional training organizations during the second half of 2012. This quantitative empirical study leads to an analysis of exploratory type data using SPSS (15). The analysis of principle components allowed identifying four significant factors, expressing 44% of the total variance. The Y generation apparently expresses a need for supervision and clear rules from the company, a will to share a quality atmosphere and collective wellbeing, acceptance of diversity in groups, and the importance of entrepreneurial attachment. These results confirm the main results already published.

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