Digital transformation. The whole eco-system of companies needs to adapt to this evolution. In order to stay on track and possibly compete with the world leaders, all organisations need to review their business models.
Yves-Alain Ach, head of the MBA Business Transformation, gives insight about what the digital transformation implies for companies now and in the years to come.
Making the best of the digital transformation : looking up to the GAFA
Over the past fifteen years the most successful businesses have been developed around new business models. The spirit of entrepreneurship, participative management, innovation, digitalisation, and technology, all help to build new companies. Right from the start, the GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) have taken the digital transformation into account. These tech giants are examples of innovation.
There is no equivalent in France so far, however Yves-Alain Ach sees OVH as a potential booming company in the years to come. At OVH, the cloud is at the heart of the digital transformation. Classic commercial standards have gone entirely digital. It’s the reason why OVH keeps growing and is able to compete with the world leaders of the sector.
In comparison with these major American firms, French companies are still behind, however many of them have successfully handled the digital transformation a few years ago, Dailymotion and Sarenza for instance.
Companies need to adapt now
The digital transformation implies that many jobs will disappear, professionals will need to adapt to new types of positions. Many companies need help to implement these changes, for some of their employees are not ready for a new paradigm. Sometimes, selling a company may seem easier and financially more viable than trying to transform it.
Most businesses are aware of the digital transformation going on but are not yet willing to adapt their activity to it. For one thing, conducting changes can be complicated, all the more if managers are reluctant or lacking competencies to initiate a deep transformation.
Companies can choose to resist this necessary digital transformation, however things will be become harder in the years to come. The market is indeed entered by a plethora of aggressive competitors. Yves-Alain Ach names Uber as a great example of a new service which has completely revolutionized transportation. A pioneer in the sharing economy, the American company has been so disruptive that further changes in the industry are now referred to as Uberisation. Uber has been copied many times, including in France by Chauffeur Privé. Yves-Alain Ach doubts that regular taxi drivers have a desire or the capacity to resist this evolution.
There is no doubt that companies that plan to stay strong in the years to come must rely on managers able to conduct change. There is a high need for professionals experienced in interdisciplinary project management. The MBA Business Transformation was created to train experts in this area.
Training professionals to become change management experts
The MBA in Business Transformation is designed for managers with professional experience, willing to participate in the transformation of organisations and to have control over the new and complex organisational challenges.This programme will enable them to identify the most appropriate strategies and organisational models to be implemented to cope with business challenges. It is linked directly to the evolution of business ecosystems. After the 12-month course, taught exclusively in English, students will be ready to implement new organisation models and managerial innovations, discerning the most efficient and value creating operating procedures.
The MBA programme offers a wide range of opportunities for employment in a multidisciplinary and international environment. MBA students aspire to leading roles such as: Business Transformation Consultant, Business Process Manager, Business Transformation Project Manager, Head of innovation lab, Business Development Officer, Strategy and innovation Consultant, Innovation project Manager and Group innovation officer.
Yves-Alain Ach is expecting promotions to gather students from various professional backgrounds: engineering, human resources, communications, law… “All can share their experiences and create a rich learning context. Both local and international students are welcome, for the need for change management professionals is global“.
Are you interested in the MBA Business Transformation? Read more here.