Meet Daniel, MSc International Business at EMLV, YouTuber and Entrepreneur

To deal with different markets in various countries, you need to master the latest tools and techniques that will give you a competitive advantage in today’s ever-changing world. Daniel, a Taiwanese Youtuber and entrepreneur, made the best of its study abroad in Paris experience and his journey as a future international manager.

A golden rule, when working across cultures, is to treat others the way they want to be treated, which means adapting our behaviour to other people’s mindset and perspectives.

Studying MSc International Business allowed Daniel to explore the various cultural and geopolitical aspects of today’s complex international business environment by enriching its people and digital skills.

The MSc International Business Programme at EMLV combines academic and practical training to prepare candidates to strive in an international business environment.

“I cherish other people a lot, so I believe that value is not just in yourself, but in how you treat other people and how you can provide value for other people and help them become better versions of themselves.”

Daniel is a Taiwanese YouTuber and entrepreneur, whose passion for sports and business led him at the Leonard de Vinci Business School (EMLV) in Paris – La Defense. During 450 hours of classes taught in English, projects and visits, students are prepared to make decisions in complex environments, using best digital technologies, tools and business knowledge to launch their international careers.

“We have half-year of academics and half-year of an internship. When we only have a half-year of academics, is usually teaching you practical stuff to use in your internship, and that’s when I realised that I need to choose EMLV.”

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With six months of internship experience in a French Tech environment, students can gain practical insight into business and management practices.

“Sometimes, it’s not just about the courses, they provide great teachers that have professional skills, but it’s also about meeting the right people in your class, meeting the people that have the same mindset, that wants to start a business, and go further in the future.”

Sports, in general, fitness and boxing, in particular, had always been part of Daniel life’s goals. More than a lifestyle, physical training is for him a mental and emotional challenge, just like studying abroad in Paris: it’s about “stepping out” of his “comfort zone” to a better version of himself.

“Sometimes, you can’t rely on other people, you have to rely on yourself, and that really when you start growing. It’s when you realize that some things you have to do it by yourself.”

At EMLV, business and sportsmanship, one cannot exist without the other, and that’s a value that Pole Leonard de Vinci strives to embody through on-campus facilities and activities, including six fully equipped sports rooms (weight-training, cardio-training, dance, martial arts rooms). The students also have access to international infrastructures, Bloomberg and 3D FabLab and personalised tutoring, with an emphasis on soft skills and coaching on career development.

Do it Daniel’s way: get admitted to EMLV business school, come to Paris, and become an entrepreneur! Register to the programme here.

This post was last modified on 21/07/2020 15:59

Categories: Programmes
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