Meet Janibek, Master in Management student at EMLV

“The project work is a unique teaching method” at EMLV. Janibek is an international student from Kazakhstan who chooses to study his Master in Management program in Paris. Today, he shares with us his thoughts on what makes a master’s degree abroad a good investment in the future.

We caught up with Janibek to discuss his Master in Management experience at EMLV Business School. As a student in Corporate finance, he explores the sources of finance, the capital structure of corporations, learns about the policies adopted by managers to enhance shareholder value, and studies tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources.

EMLV’s mission is to train hybrid managers able to demonstrate both technical skills in a reference field (finance, marketing, human resources, international business…) and human qualities thanks to a comprehensive programme of soft skills training and personal development.

Janibek shares his student journey at EMLV

“To study abroad and see the world was my dream since I was a kid. I consider that’s a good investment for my future”, says Janibek in his video testimonial.

“The first reason that I chose Pole Leonard de Vinci is its location in Paris, France. Here we can meet people from all around the world and exchange ideas. Paris is a place which provides a lot of opportunities for international students. For example, I am studying, and at the same time, I am working part-time when I am free.”

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The presence on campus of an engineering school (ESILV) and a digital school (IIM) allows students to be in a learning mindset based on peer learning.

“The project work is a unique teaching method of the Pole. Every week, the students from the three schools form groups and work on team projects. The purpose of these group projects is to create a real company work scenario and prepare us professionally for our future jobs.”

The students’ experience would not be complete without the 54 associations that animate life on campus, and allow everyone to get involved in humanitarian projects, cultural, sporting or artistic activities and to develop skills and behaviours most prized by the business world.

“The Pole Leonard de Vinci provides us with a lot of opportunities for our future careers. There are more than 20 events organized each semester. Each semester, more than 100 companies are invited on the campus to meet students and provide internship and job opportunities.”

My on-campus study experience was terrific. If I had to give a piece of advice to incoming students, it would be: come and make your dreams come true!”

Categories: International
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