

EMLV / NewsPage 10

CSR in Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges for International Business
16 Feb 2023 /
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Corporate Social Responsibility has become an integral part of the business world. In emerging markets, CSR is increasingly gaining popularity and impact as it is a means of ensuring that businesses can operate in a sustainable and ethical manner.

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I Pitch and Meet, the 2023 the International Edition
14 Feb 2023 /
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I Pitch and Meet is an event in a meeting format between EMLV’s corporate partners and students from international programmes, allowing students to connect with professionals. During a half day, students from EMLV had the opportunity to present their projects, and have interviews to help them prepare for their future job interviews in France I […]

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AI and Supply Chain: How Machine Learning is Revolutionizing Inventory Management
09 Feb 2023 /
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With advancements in technology and the rise of machine learning, the way inventory management is conducted is changing and won’t ever look the same. Machine learning algorithms and technologies like predictive analytics and real-time tracking are improving accuracy in inventory management and leading to cost savings so it’s crucial for young supply chain managers, to […]

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All about CSR: Definition and Challenges
07 Feb 2023 /
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Sustainable development, diversity, inclusion, and the fight against inequality all fall within the corporate CSR framework. The concept remains the same whether we talk about corporate social or corporate social responsibility. CSR states that a company cannot be disconnected from its immediate environment and should play a positive role in the community, for its community […]

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New Clue Unlocked! Cultural Intelligence and Its Importance for International Students
02 Feb 2023 /
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In today’s interconnected world, having a high level of Cultural Intelligence can be a valuable asset in both personal and professional contexts. The combination of skills and knowledge not only helps individuals effectively navigate and communicate in diverse cultural situations but also supports international students’ efforts to integrate and leave a mark without jeopardizing their […]

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Master’s in Management: The Key to a Career Boost
26 Jan 2023 /
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Pursuing a Master’s in Management has seen a significant increase in popularity in recent years, as more and more fresh grads and professionals are recognizing its value. And with the world economy becoming increasingly globalized and competitive, a MiM degree has become an important asset for individuals looking to advance their careers in a variety […]

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MBA, MSc, Masters: Which One’s Right for You?
24 Jan 2023 /
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In today’s competitive job market, higher education is more important than ever. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start especially when options diverge and converge in more ways than one.

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How To Look After Your Mental Health as an International Student
17 Jan 2023 /
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There is no denying that international students have a wide range of possibilities when they study abroad. However, attending school in a foreign country, living away from family and friends, and, for international students, being far from home, culture, and speaking a different language, may all contribute to the stress.

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5 Digital Miscommunications and How to Avoid Them?
12 Jan 2023 /
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With fresh grads trying to keep up with the latest digital communication trends, and professionals brushing up on their knowledge, the risk of digital miscommunications is at an all-time high and occurs when digital marketers fail to properly read emotional, behavioral as well as linguistic signals, which include tone of voice, consumer psychology, and analyzing […]

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Entrepreneurs on the Move: Findings from a CBS Prize Finalist Paper at the EIBA Conference
10 Jan 2023 /
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Liudmila Ivvonen, an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at EMLV, and a member of the De Vinci Research Center offers an international business perspective on entrepreneurial mobility. Her single-authored paper, titled “Intersectional Perspective on Geographical Mobility Intentions of Entrepreneurs”, was shortlisted as one of four finalists for the Copenhagen Business School Prize at the 48th European […]

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How to Ace your Master’s Abroad Application?
05 Jan 2023 /
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Going to graduate school abroad is both exciting and difficult. It includes all of the criteria required for any university application from forms, and essays, to financial aid and interviews, but it is also in a different country, so there are visas and rules to be aware of, as well as cultural differences to consider.

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International Business New Year’s Resolutions of 2023
22 Dec 2022 /
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Over the past few years, businesses have faced enormous transitions and endured tremendous change; these updates won’t slow down in 2023 or anytime soon as the industry grows with an ever-rapidly developing technological landscape.

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