In his journey of personal growth, Thibault Velghe shares the highlights of his experience and academic adventure after graduating cum laude at UC Leuven-Limburg and having spent his Erasmus exchange programme at EMLV business school.
Entrepreneurship myths have been scaring business owners or anyone with a new idea for a very long time, and a lot of them end up giving up before giving their business a chance. As more people aspire to become entrepreneurs, it is important to debunk myths about what makes them succeed or fail.
Not only does international business support the development, strategy and management of organisations at a global level, but also shapes the competencies of future leaders and managers. The MSc International Business programme at EMLV business school will arm international students with the skills needed to think and work across borders, and Ivan from Argentina is […]
Digital marketing has been growing rapidly with job opportunities that are not only new but diverse as well. There are so many different career spectra, each of which is quite varied in terms of required skills and natural abilities to keep up with fast moving business demands.
After recently obtaining its first international accredition EFMD Master for the Masters in Management Grande Ecole Programme, EMLV business school received the RNCP title for its MBA programme.
Sitting in the airport, waiting for the airplane boarding call, holding on to the passport, and carefully watching the suitcases. A new journey is about to begin. What could one year abroad change in the life of international students and can they ever be ready for what’s coming next?
In his first video of this series, Nikhilesh is joined by Associate Professor Jill Tynan, head of MSc International Business at EMLV business school, to talk about the program in details.
Studying abroad is such a roller coaster experience, especially for international students who are usually a source of fascination among locals, classmates, and teachers. People are instantly drawn to them and want to know everything about them, even if it gets awkward.
After obtaining all the national labels, from Master’s degree, CGE, to EESPIG, and Visa; EFMD Master Accreditation is the first international step achieved by EMLV business school that has been thoroughly engaged in a professional process with the aim of developing its international recognition.
Social media has undoubtedly changed the way people see the world and make, not only daily easy decisions, but also life-changing ones like exploring higher education opportunities. Business schools are now able to share information not only with their inner network but also with potential candidates through their social media channels.
At 28 years old, Steven decided to leave his beautiful country of Ghana to follow his dreams. He started with a big first step: pursuing an MSc in International Business at EMLV.
“Elevator Pitch”; just like the name indicates, is a very concise presentation of a person or their idea and is delivered within a few seconds, the approximate duration of an elevator ride.