

EMLV / NewsPage 35

Measuring the Impact of Services at an Office Environment on Performance
13 Sep 2018 /
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An article by Fernanda Arreola, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation and responsible for the entrepreneurship programmes at EMLV, first published in The Conversation. Let me guess. Your office just became a co-working type open space with shiny yellow cushions and a ping-pong table? Or a new application allows you to do car-sharing with your dear colleagues. Or […]

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Welcome to the International Students of the 2018 Fall Semester
06 Sep 2018 /
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International students from all over the world gathered on campus on September 3d for a welcome session organised by student association Vinci International Student Team. Coming from Spain, Germany, China, Canada and more, many international exchange and degree-seeking students have chosen EMLV and fellow engineering school ESILV to study for a semester or a year. […]

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MBA: Learning by Doing with the Consultant Project
19 Jul 2018 /
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The Digital Marketing Strategy MBA from EMLV, Parisian business school, offers a unique balance between theory and practice. The first semester of class on campus is followed by a six-month internship. Project management with real-life business cases is central in the innovative teaching approach of the MBA. The MBA adresses experimented professionals who are looking […]

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Marie Haikel-Elsabeh: “Think Differently to Distinguish Yourself from Other Digital Marketers”
12 Jul 2018 /
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Marie Haikel-Elsabeh is a professor of digital marketing at business school EMLV. She is also in charge of a research project in IT and e-commerce. An alumna of the American University of Paris and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, she also holds a PhD in Management from University Paris Nanterre and Telecom Business School. Since 2014, Marie […]

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Erasmus Student Network Welcomes Association Vinci International Student Team
03 Jul 2018 /
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The Erasmus Student Network has a new member: the association in charge of welcoming foreign students in the three schools of Pôle Léonard de Vinci. One goal: supporting and fostering student exchange. EMLV students spend their third year abroad: one semester as incoming student in one of EMLV’s numerous international academic partners and a six-month […]

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Luca Mora, Visiting Professor: “As a Researcher, Mobility is Part of the Game”
28 Jun 2018 /
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Luca Mora is a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Business School of Edinburgh Napier University and a Research Affiliate at Edinburgh Napier University’s Centre for Smart Cities. He has been invited by EMLV for a research stay. Currently working on a book and several articles, Luca Mora will also host a seminar of […]

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France is the Most Attractive European Country for Industrial Investments
21 Jun 2018 /
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The improvement of France’s attractivity in 2017 and early 2018 is remarkable. After ten years of disappointing results, France is once again one of the top countries for foreign investments. With over 1000 investment projects last year, the country is closely behind its historic competitors: the United Kingdom and Germany. Growth, industry, innovation and startups… […]

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Study Abroad in France: Kayode, Digital Marketing Strategy MBA Student
15 Jun 2018 /
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From Nigeria to France. Kayode Olubobokun chose Parisian business school EMLV to pursue a MBA. Course structure, international classmates and life in Paris… he looked back at his experience. What to expect from a MBA in a French business school? Embracing the digital transformation with a MBA in Paris After a professional experience in Nigeria, […]

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Mad Skills: Originality is a New Way to Get Hired
07 Jun 2018 /
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For a long time, recruiting processes were very much alike: a job advert, a resume, a cover letter and if things went well, an interview, followed by more interviews, until getting the position. A new revolution is coming, changing the classical approach. What has worked so far is now being accused of creating a plethora […]

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France’s Most Attractive Employers According to Business School Students
01 Jun 2018 /
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Each year, Universum research institute, publishes a list of the most attractive employers in the opinion of French business school students. Conducted on a sample of over 20 000 students, this ranking gives insight on the attractivity of a hundred companies. Where do French business school students dream of being hired in 2018? Once again, […]

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At Station F with Joey, Digital Marketing Strategy MBA Graduate and Founder of a Startup
24 May 2018 /
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From New-York City to Paris. After a first professional experience in the USA, Joey Greiner wanted to enhance his knowledge of digital marketing. The young American chose EMLV’s Digital Marketing Strategy MBA. A graduate from the Class of ’17, he chose to stay in France to launch a mobile app called Woojo. He looks back […]

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EMLV academic partner of Viva Technology 2018, the fair dedicated to startups and innovation
17 May 2018 /
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Viva Technology is a fair dedicated to technological innovation. Created in 2016, it has become a major event for the global tech ecosystem. Management school EMLV is an academic partner of the 2018 edition that will take place in Paris from May 24th to 26th. Three days to get inspired by the actors of digital […]

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