Lina Douis is a 5th year student who majors in Digital Marketing Strategy by day and blogs by night “I chose the EMLV because it was located in the heart of the business district, and I was convinced that there would be a strong links with companies. I also knew that the school would open […]
Currently a 3rd year student at the EMLV, I am lucky enough to be spending my year abroad, in both an academic and professional setting, at the University Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. How did I find out about the EMLV? It’s quite simple: I didn’t know what to do after High School and I […]
Léo Godard, class of 2017 is currently spending her entire year abroad in a university in China as part of her third year at the EMLV. After High School, I got my baccalaureate and decided I wanted to study business.. I found out about the EMLV during a student fair and the degree program […]
What are the value systems shared and sought for by members of the Y generation in companies? To answer to this question there it is necessary to identify a scale capable of measuring individual values which can be transposed to a professional universe (Mc Donald and Gandz; 1991, 1992). 2915 young people aged from 18 […]
– Présentez-vous en quelques lignes : quel BAC? Pourquoi l’EMLV? quelle promo? Bac S, promo 2000-2004 avec un double diplôme EMLV et Politecnico di Torino, puis un diplôme à SKEMA Business School en E-commerce. – que faites-vous actuellement? Je suis le fondateur et le dirigeant de la startup Tabhotel qui gère la plateforme innovante TodayinParis. […]
EMLV is a member of AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. AACSB International is a membership association of educational institutions, business, not-for-profit, and government organizations devoted to the advancement of higher education in business. Membership does not imply accreditation. About the Organization AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is […]
Research for French business schools is now in my opinion at a crossroad: most of them have reached a level of investment which is threatening their budget while continuously being under pressure to do more. Let’s give some historical background. Until the 90’s, most of the research in management was done at universities in France […]
A young entrepreneur in Hong Kong, Bocar Cissé founded his company when he was a student, hoping to fulfil his passion for sport and his desire to work abroad. This is the story of his adventure in China… “Why did I choose the EMLV? It was close to the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre, […]
Francesca Paganini, currently a 4th year student at the EMLV, spent her entire third year abroad at London South Bank University. Upon her return to France she shared her experiences about her year abroad (the EMLV has established a joint agreement with London South Bank University for a double degree). “After High School, I […]
Le numérique nous accompagne souvent la majorité de notre temps, professionnel et personnel. Il peut être très utile ou plaisant, mais aussi devenir “nocif” : trop de mails, smartphone au volant, statisme, déconcentration… De quels les repères disposons-nous, pour en faire un “réel” bon usage ? Thierry Le Fur se propose de nourrir notre réflexion […]
François Thérin, directeur de l’EMLV, est l’auteur d’un blog sur la plateforme Educpros. “Higher Education, Elearning an much More”. Extrait, et lien vers l’article complet en fin de billet. Un article récent sur le site d’Educpros met l’accent sur la nécessité de (re)valoriser la pédagogie à l’université. Mon expérience à l’étranger, principalement dans des universités […]
171 nouveaux étudiants ont fait leur rentrée à l’EMLV Paris ce mardi 9 septembre 2014. Tout juste bacheliers, ils entament leurs études supérieures en école de commerce et de management post-bac, sur le campus du Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, au coeur de Paris La-Défense. En cinq ans, l’EMLV forme des futurs managers avec au […]