
Research activities

EMLV / Faculty & research / Research activities

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EMLV’s research strategy is structured around four main development objectives: scientific excellence, societal impact of research, interdisciplinarity and internationalization.

Scientific excellence is currently reflected in a significant increase in the number of academic publications in top journals. This scientific excellence is also combined with efforts dedicated to scientific dissemination (mainly through the publication of contributions in practice-oriented journals and the filming of popularization videos) and contractual research (research chairs, participation in European projects, etc.), in order to reinforce the usefulness of the research activity and its impact on practitioners and on students.

With regard to interdisciplinarity, it is implemented through the existence of teams made up of both management science and engineering science researchers and grouped together in a common laboratory, the De Vinci Research Center. This interdisciplinarity facilitates the development of research works characterized by strong societal challenges and in fields of activity such as ecological transition or even e-health.

The internationalization of research is also a very important development objective for the School and will be reinforced by the signing of new collaboration agreements with foreign institutions, with a view to intensifying international exchanges of researchers, and to organizing scientific events with high international visibility.

pascale - Research activities Pascale Bueno Merino

Associate Dean for Research

Accredited to Supervise Research (HDR), PhD in Management Science

Female Entrepreneurship/Agricultural Entrepreneurship/Internationalization of SMEs

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3 interdisciplinary research axes

“New Materials, Intelligent Systems & Innovative Companies”

“Energy Efficiency & Socially Responsible Markets”

“Data Science, Digital Transformation, Risks & Complex Systems”

« Each interdisciplinary research axis is co-led by an EMLV faculty member and an ESILV faculty member, in order to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue and the development of research works characterized by a real societal impact which is currently becoming an eligibility criterion for numerous research funding programmes.

Teaching and Research Chairs

+ “Next”chair
Resulting from a partnership between EMLV and the consulting firm OBEA, this collaboration aims to provide decision-makers with the keys to understanding, anticipating and succeeding in the transformations caused by changes in work.

+ “Networks & Innovations” Chair
Resulting from a partnership between EMLV and the LAREQUOI research laboratory of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, this chair aims to shed light on managerial action and strategic decision-making based on the following themes : social networks, digital communities, territorial network, innovation ecosystems, alliance strategies, etc.
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Research benefits students

The results of the research activities of EMLV’s faculty members enrich the pedagogical content of the courses. They provide a basis for building new courses and specialisations. Students participate in research activities for their final dissertation.

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