
Health, prevention & disability

EMLV / Student Services / Health, prevention & disability

L’EMLV offers all its students individualised assistance for all their health and prevention needs, as well as for dealing with disabilities.

Contacts for health, prevention & disability

elena - Health, prevention & disability

Elena Niati
Health/nursing referent
Email : elena.niati@devinci.fr

Campus du Pôle – Office E200 – IGH – 2nd floor
Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 12.30pm, Wednesdays from 8am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm or by appointment.

aurelie - Health, prevention & disability

Aurélie Jacquemin
Référente Handicap Etudiants
Email : handi@devinci.fr

Campus du Pôle – Office I 402 – Learning Center – 4ème étage
Open from 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. – Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment

Health & Prevention

To help students in their daily lives, EMLV  has a listening and support unit. On site in Paris, EMLV has an infirmary on the Pôle campus, offering access without an appointment during office hours, individual meetings with the health advisor by registration and individual meetings with a psychologist by registration. ESILV also benefit from a partnership with Pros-Consulte, a platform open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, accessible via a toll-free number, chat or video.

Download the Infirmary guide

A number of information and prevention initiatives have been launched by the health adviser, including an annual health day with the CPAM (French Health Service), addiction awareness campaigns, and PSC1 training courses for our student associations.

EMLV is also involved in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence. A system of prevention, reporting to an external platform and handling of situations has been set up to enable students to report, be listened to and supported in the event of sexual and gender-based violence, and for the school to be able to punish proven cases.

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Student Disability Service

The schools of Devinci Higher Eduction are committed to ensuring the inclusion and success of students with disabilities, and to accompanying and supporting them in their studies and in the development of their student life. The role of the Student Disability Service is to support students with disabilities and to manage disability awareness initiatives within the Department.

The Student Disability Service can help you make adjustments to your studies and examinations to compensate for your disability (adjustments to teaching, note-taking or student tutoring, examination secretarial services, extra time, loan of adapted equipment, etc.), as well as providing individualised and personalised support (confidential interviews) throughout the year, taking into account your entire situation (accommodation, transport, financial conditions, etc.).

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