Welcome to the International Students of the 2018 Fall Semester

International students from all over the world gathered on campus on September 3d for a welcome session organised by student association Vinci International Student Team.

Coming from Spain, Germany, China, Canada and more, many international exchange and degree-seeking students have chosen EMLV and fellow engineering school ESILV to study for a semester or a year.

Kicking-off the fall semester at EMLV

Some of the international students have arrived in Paris late August for the orientation week, while others are awaited later on in the fall, among which students in the MSc International Business and the Digital Marketing Strategy MBA.

Organised by Pôle de Vinci’s International Relations department, these few days allow students to know the schools and campus better and gather useful information about French administrative processes.

Students get all the tools they need to settle in their new campus and in Paris. Programme includes presentations of French housing benefits, social security, administrative processes for non-EU students or the use of the schools’ digital tools.

Students welcoming students

International academic stays and internships are mandatory for EMLV students, whose third year of studies is necessarily abroad. All of them are thus familiar with the feelings of starting school abroad, in an unknown environment, possibly in a foreign language they do not fully master. They know what it takes to infuse a welcoming atmosphere.

The international student team has arranged for this welcome session to be a key moment of the orientation week. After being given their welcome packs and ISIC cards by the International Relations team, students relied on Vinci International Student Team to kick off the fall semester in a casual way.

Association president Jennifer Scemama-Selander, ESILV Class of 2020, greeted them and invited them for a guided tour of campus before heading for a welcome drink.

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Lucas Jacq, EMLV Class of 2019, is vice-president of the international students welcome association.

“We are happy to meet with the international students and will seize the opportunity of this after-work drink to get to know them and make them feel welcome. We have already planned visits of Paris’s most iconic landmarks: the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre museum”.

Settling in as EMLV newcomers

Asya Stamenova graduated from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria. She is about to start studying in the MBA. She found out about the programme when visiting the Salon de l’Etudiant exhibition and was particularly drawn to the specific programme structure. “I’ve been living in Paris for about a year and I really like the city!”

EMLV international students come as far as South Korea. Exchange student Yugyeong Choi will study in the third year at EMLV.

“I really like the campus facilities and since I arrived last week, I have found everyone to be very kind. At first I was a bit worried because it’s my first time living abroad on my own, but so far things have gone much better than what I thought!”

During the year, international students will get many more occasions to get together and enjoy life at Parisian business school EMLV.

Would you like to study abroad in Paris? Find out more about exchange stays and programmes for degree-seeking students at EMLV, business school in Paris and discover international students video testimonials

Categories: International
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