Unlocking opportunities: Kateryna’s journey to studying in Paris

Paris, the city of history, art, and culture, has always held a special allure for those seeking to pursue their passions and excel in their chosen fields. For Kateryna, the prospect of studying at EMLV Business School in Paris presented a unique opportunity to delve into international business.

Hailing from Ukraine, Kateryna Korshkisko embarked on this exciting journey at age 21 to pursue an MSC in International Business at EMLV. She had always been captivated by the intricacies of the business world and felt a strong desire to further her education.

Additionally, the idea of immersing in the extraordinary ambiance of Paris was an irresistible draw.

Paris : undoubtedly the best place to study business

When I discovered EMLV, I was thrilled to learn its campus was located in La Défense, the epitome of an economic powerhouse. La Défense is the most influential business district in Paris and one of the most prominent global financial centers. The opportunity to study in such an effective environment deeply resonated with me.

Having completed my undergraduate degree in international relations, I had a broad perspective that allowed me to consider various schools for my higher education.

However, what truly captivated me about EMLV was its curriculum. I was keen on thoroughly understanding the subjects I would study, ensuring they aligned with my career aspirations.

An international business environment

At EMLV, I was engrossed in a comprehensive program covering every facet of the business world. From crafting impressive CVs to optimizing LinkedIn profiles and calculating intricate tax structures for international branches of businesses, EMLV left no stone unturned in preparing us for the challenges of the professional realm.

EMLV’s focus on bridging the gap between academia and the business world sets it apart. My fellow students and I get closer to our future careers each day. The school immerses us in a dynamic business simulation, equipping us with the skills and knowledge necessary to establish our ventures.

The EMLV faculty, experienced professionals actively engaged in the business industry, share invaluable insights and real-world experiences, making the learning process engaging and relevant.

Furthermore, I cherish the diversity within my cohort at EMLV. Interacting with classmates from various countries brings a rich tapestry of perspectives, challenging us to work collaboratively on group projects and case studies.

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This intercultural environment expands our horizons, enabling us to develop crucial teamwork and cross-cultural communication skills indispensable in the global business landscape.

Career development and challenges at EMLV

EMLV goes beyond traditional classroom learning by emphasizing practical experiences and career development. As part of the curriculum, we must complete a six-month internship starting in April.

Additionally, EMLV frequently organizes career days and fairs, both on-campus and online, providing us with numerous opportunities to connect with potential employers and gain a foothold in our desired industries. The school’s unwavering commitment to helping us embark on our career paths is evident through these initiatives.

Venturing into uncharted territories and pushing beyond my comfort zone, I acknowledge that studying at EMLV comes with its fair share of challenges.

The daily encounters with unfamiliar concepts and the occasional stress can be overwhelming. However, the personal growth I experience in this environment far outweighs any temporary discomfort. Paris catalyzes my transformation, immersing me in a different dimension of culture, inspiration, and self-discovery.

The path to success in International Business at EMLV Paris

For students like me, choosing EMLV Business School in Paris offers an extraordinary opportunity to gain a comprehensive education in international business.

The combination of a remarkable curriculum, faculty with industry experience, a diverse student community, and the vibrant city of Paris culminates in an adventure in the best way possible.

Whether we aspire to launch our enterprises or climb the corporate ladder, studying at EMLV in Paris opens endless possibilities.

Discover further information about EMLV’s programmes and its international outreach.

This post was last modified on 07/11/2023 11:57

Categories: International
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